In short:
- Starting point: Moiry dam (end of the road, Parking du Glacier)
- Total duration: 3 hours
- Difficulty: T2 - Mountain Hikes
- KMZ file for Google Earth
- Profile (up & down):
- Aloneness index:
Links (click on flag):
The cabin's official website
Hike report on Hikr.org.
Cabane de Moiry
For those who are in the Val d'Anniviers and who do not have a whole day to do the great hikes that I have described from Zinal or Saint-Luc, the Cabane de Moiry (2825m, 9268ft) merits a visit. It is an ascent of only 1h30 in scenery of dreams.
[Translation and additions (italics) courtesy David Lauder, Nov-2005]
The other side of the coin: high mountain with few expenses attract many hikers and tourists to ramble. An interesting extension is proposed by Francis Weill in his guide Alpes Vaudoises et Valaisannes, Itinéraires d'altitude: the Col du Gardien, or maybe the Col du Pigne, both above 3000 meters. There is no doubt that while continuing beyond the hut on these difficult routes, you will find more tranquility.
This short excursion without history does not require long explanations. One goes to the Moiry dam, specifically to the end of the road which skirts the lake. Here, at close to 2350m (7710ft), there is a vast car park and a refreshment kiosk, proof of the popularity of the place. Even the post buses come as far as here from early July to the third week in September.
The first part of the ascent is extremely easy. From the end of the track, the path which replaces it follows the crest of the northern moraine of the Moiry glacier. On the right, one towers above the small pro-glacial lakes created by the retreat of the glacier. One ends up going down from the moraine into what is called the valley of ablation of the glacier, i.e. between the moraine and the mountain. A pond has formed at this point.
From a height of 2590m on the map, the second part of the ascent begins. Many zig-zags ascend 230 meters on rock up to the hut. It is only visible just before you get there. Although steep, this part does not pose any major difficulties.
I did not make notes during the descent. Allow about half of the time required for the ascent.