In short:
- Starting point: Zinal
- Total duration: 8 hours
- Difficulty: T3 - Challenging Mountain Hikes
- KMZ file for Google Earth
- Profile (up & down):
- Aloneness index:
- Extracts:
1:25'000 1:50'000 1:200'000 - Swisstopo shop:
Matterhorn - Mischabel
Links (click on flag):
Notes on Cabane du Grand Mountet and the quality of its welcome, Guide des refuges de haute et moyenne montagne by Markus Jaton.
Approach to the Cabane Mountet to view the "Imperial Crown", by the Scottish climber Derek J.B. Reid. The page is taken from his website Mountaineering in Europe's Alpine Regions (Easy high mountain walks and climbs in the Swiss, Italian, French & Austrian Alps).
The exact same tour, described on Christian Engl's website. With pictures and comments.
Cabane du Grand Mountet
Like Bertol and Tracuit, this is another spectacular excursion deep into the alpine world. The hut of Mountet (2886m, 9468ft) is surrounded by several 4000m peaks and glaciers that will progressively unveil themselves.
The detailed report of this hike has not yet been written. Here you can find some information and all the pictures.